A Great Video to Help With Understanding Medicare

Are you new to Medicare? This is a great video to help you understand medicare and how it works. Understanding Medicare coverage choices can be tricky so its important to educate yourself and pick your coverage carefully. How you choose to get your benefits can affect your quality of care.  If you are about to become eligible for Medicare, or just became eligible for Medicare here is a great … [Read more...]

The History Of Medicare

This history of medicare starts with the Social Security Act in 1965 establishing both the Medicare and Medicaid healthcare insurance systems. Although, both healthcare systems were governed by different offices. Medicare was the responsibility of the Social Security Administration or SSA, while the State Medicaid programs were administered and looked after by the Social and Rehabilitation Service … [Read more...]

Medicare Help: How Do I Apply For Medicare?

There are Two Ways to Apply For Medicare Apply For Medicare At your Local Social Security Office Most people do not realize that there is not a “Medicare office” where they go to get their Medicare Insurance. This is sometimes a bit confusing because, to apply for your Medicare benefit you must visit your local Social Security office. Apply for Medicare Online You may also visit this link … [Read more...]

Medicare Advice: Do I Need Medicare Insurance?

If you’ve applied for Medicare Part A and B you’ve got Medicare Insurance.  But, you’ve still got a big gap that could create a financial hardship for you if you don’t cover that gap with additional insurance. Medicare covers 80% of your Medicare approved procedures, doctor visits, etc.  But you are still responsible for 20% of all charges. That 20% isn’t a big deal if you just have to see the … [Read more...]

Medicare 101: The Letter At The End Of My Medicare Number

Medicare 101: The Letter At The End Of My Medicare Number Medicare Insurance Help, Education and Plans Now that you have your medicare card it's time to supplement your medicare Every beneficiary is given a Medicare number. This number is their Social Security number followed by a code. Your Medicare number is often referred to as a Medicare claim number. The letter codes at the … [Read more...]

News: Medicare Prescription Drug Gap (Donut Hole)

Medicare Update: In 2012, if you hit the prescription drug donut hole or gap, you will get a 60% discount on brand-name drugs. Every year thereafter, you will pay less for your prescription drugs in the donut hole/gap, until there is complete coverage in 2020. … [Read more...]

Medicare Plans: Income-Based Part D Premiums

Starting January 1, 2011, Part D premiums will be based on your income. This includes Part D coverage you have from a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan, a Medicare Advantage Plan or a Medicare Cost Plan that includes Medicare prescription drug coverage. If your modified adjusted gross income, as reported on your Internal Revenue Service tax return from two years ago, (the most recent tax return … [Read more...]

Medicare Advantage: Changes Per Recent Healthcare Reform Bill

One issue that is of interest to senior citizens is how the bill affects the Medicare Advantage. Unless you have been hiding under a rock for the last couple of years, you probably already know that there have been some major changes in health care in this country. Mostly this has to do with the Healthcare Reform Bill that has recently passed through congress. Needless to say, there has been a … [Read more...]

Medicare News: Medicare Prescription Drug Rebate

If you are a senior citizen, then you already know that Medicare prescription drug plans tend to be a complicated issue. For one, there are various kinds of Medicare plans. There isn’t just one plan that is right for all senior citizens. Also, depending on what kind of money you make, what kind of social security you have, and what kind of taxes you have paid, you may even have to supplement your … [Read more...]

Difference Between Medicaid and Medicare

One of the most common questions people have once they are introduced to this topic is in regards to the difference between Medicaid and Medicare. For many people, the recent health care debates have actually confused the issues more than they have cleared them up. The reason for this is that politicians, writers, and pundits on both sides of the aisle have very different opinions on health care … [Read more...]