How Seniors and Healthcare are Affected by the New Administration


The election is over and a new administration is set to move into the white house. With a new administration always comes change. We talked about what each party’s platform for Medicare and health care reform would likely be here. But what can we expect in the upcoming year(s)?

With the result of the election, as well as elected Republican majorities in the House and Senate, there will likely be major cuts and reforms in federal programs that effect seniors and healthcare. Keep yourself informed and educated on what federal programs will be effected, especially ones that benefit older adults.

What programs will affect seniors and healthcare?

Some programs that may be affected are Medicaid, OAA (Older Americans Act) funded services and changes in Medicare.
Medicaid is a joint Federal and State health care insurance option for low-income seniors.

The new administration has shown support for putting a cap on the federal contribution to this program. If this is the outcome, you will see a limit to the amount of funds available to pay senior care services such as nursing homes or home health agencies. The new administration believes this course will allow the state governments to manage the administration of Medicaid more effectively without federal overhead.

OAA (Older Americans Act)
The Older Americans Act is a program that supports a variety of senior home and community-based services (such as meals-on-wheels, nutrition programs, transportation, legal services, elder abuse prevention and caregivers support).

This program has been under budget reduction pressure int he previous administration and we can expect to see the same with the new administration. The result of budget cuts will likely result in continued waiting lists in some communities.

Medicare is the federal health insurance program for people 65 or older (also certain younger people with disabilities and people with ESRD).

For several years house republicans have been working towards adding a cap tot he federal spending on Medicare. It is unknown to what extent the white house will oppose or support the changes brought by congress.

Please stay informed and check back to educate yourself on policy changes as they come about in the next few months and years.